On 23 March 2015, Singapore woke up to the saddening news of the passing of our Founding Father Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The moment I got up, I sat on my bed as I read the news and watched the official video of Mr Lee Hsien Loong announcing his father's passing. I broke down. And the rest of my day was pretty much filled with tears as long as I see any news or tribute about him. It was a really, really difficult day. Honestly, I know very little about politics and stuffs so let's not get into that whole political talk. All I know is, whenever I take a look at my surrounding neighborhood and the people around me, I'm very fortunate, in fact all of us are very fortunate. I've no clue who are the ungrateful keyboard warriors cheering and cursing behind their laptops but if you're my generation, shame on you. Yes, it's not a one-man show to bring Singapore to where it is today, but you have no rights to discount Mr Lee for what he stood up and fought for during those years especially when we weren't even born yet.
Then again, what I've learnt from this is also -- 做人做事只要对得起良心就足够了. There is NO one perfect leader or example in the world that everyone would support. There will be those who would support you, and those who would think the worst of you. There's no right or wrong whether they are for or against you, because everyone is different and we are all entitled to our own opinions. At the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing: In life, you will never be able to satisfy everyone, so as long as you gave your best shot and your efforts are acknowledged, it's more than enough.
I paid my respects to Mr Lee last night, and it's an indescribable feeling to see the country coming together to pay their last respects. This very act also shows how much Mr Lee has impacted the different generations, bringing forth the true meaning of "actions always speak louder than words". In other words, what I'm trying to say is, we might not be able to rebut each of those ugly comments (or slap those ungrateful bunch for their ignorance), but at least now we all can't deny the fact that majority (let's think 90%) of Singaporeans have used actions to acknowledge Mr Lee's efforts and contributions for Singapore.
Mr Lee, 请你一路好走. Thank you for everything you've done for Singapore. Thank you for sharing your life lessons with us. You will always be remembered.